Research outputs - SCARE Project
drawing water
Research outputs

Research Outputs

A researcher explaining her research to locals in Nepal

Papers published by the SCARE team

  1. Poudel, P., Joshi, P., Tuladhar, S., Ghimire, A., Baidya, M., Howard, G. and Sharma, S., 2024. Groundwater implications on methane emission from non-sewered sanitation systems in Nepal. Environmental Pollution, p.124248
  2. Reddy, O.; Rahman, M.; Nijhawan, A.; Pregnolato, M.;Howard, G. Infiltrated Pits: Using Regional Groundwater Data to Estimate Methane Emissions from Pit Latrines. Hydrology 2023, 10, 114.
  3. Poudel P, Ghimire A, Howard G, Evans B, Camargo-Valero MA, Reddy O, Sharma S, Tuladhar S, Geremew A, Okurut K, Ngom B, Baidya M & Dangol S. 2023. Field-based methods for measuring greenhouse gases emissions from on-site sanitation systems: A systematic review of published literature. Heliyon, 9 e19947,

Conference abstracts and presentations to date

  1. Stockholm World Water Week August 2024: “How Sanitation Can Help Meet the Global Methane Pledge” presented by the SCARE Project team and Linda Strande from eawag, Switzerland. A full video of the presentation is available here.
  2. Our team in Haramaya presented the preliminary results from the SCARE data at the national workshop they organized, “Accelerating Climate-Resilient WASH in Ethiopia: Stakeholder Meeting,” on June 1, 2023.
  3. The following abstracts have been submitted to Roorkee Water Conclave: Responsible Water Management and Circular Economy (March 3- 6, 2024)
    1. Oral Presentation by Prativa Poudel: Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions from On-site Sanitation Technologies in Nepal using Refined Intergovernmental Policy on Climate Change Guidelines (pdf format)
    2. Poster Presentation by Sarana Tuladhar: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Onsite Sanitation in Nepal using Modified Static Flux Chamber: An Innovative Approach (pdf format)

Manuscript preprints/titles/authors under review

  1. Field-based methods for measuring greenhouse gases emissions from on-site sanitation systems: A systematic review of published literature Heliyon (pdf format)

Other Relevant Resources

  1. Flint A, Howard G, Baidya M, Wondim T, Poudel M, Nijhawan A, Sharma S & Mulugeta Y. 2022. Equity in Global North-South Research Partnerships: Interrogating UK funding models. Global Social Challenges Journal, 1(1): 76-93,
  2. Kapwata T, Kunene Z, Wernecke B, Lange S, Howard G, Nijhawan A. & Wright CY 2022. Applying a WASH risk assessment tool in a rural South African setting to identify risks and opportunities for climate resilient communities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (2664),
  3. Howard, G., Nijhawan, A., Flint, A., Baidya,, M., Poudel, M., Alemua, B.M., Ayele, D.M., Pregnolato, M., Lo, E., Sharma, S., & Wondim T. 2021. How tough is WASH? Developing an indicator framework for assessing climate resilience for water and sanitation services in low and middle income countries. NPJ Clean Water, 4:39,
  4. Howard G, Calow R, Macdonald A and Bartram J. 2016. Climate Change and Water and Sanitation: Likely Impacts and Emerging Trends for Action. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 41: 253-276,
  5. Johnson, J., Zakaria, F., Nkurunziza, A.G. et al. Whole-system analysis reveals high greenhouse-gas emissions from citywide sanitation in Kampala, Uganda. Commun Earth Environ 3, 80 (2022).
  6. Shikun Cheng, Jinyun Long, Barbara Evans, Zhe Zhan, Tianxin Li, Cong Chen, Heinz-Peter Mang, Zifu Li, Non-negligible greenhouse gas emissions from non-sewered sanitation systems: A meta-analysis, Environmental Research, Volume 212, Part D, 2022, 113468, ISSN 0013-9351, read the article
  7. Cuihong Song, Jun-Jie Zhu, John L. Willis, Daniel P. Moore, Mark A. Zondlo, and Zhiyong Jason Ren Methane Emissions from Municipal Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems Environmental Science & Technology 2023 57 (6), 2248-2261
  8. A call to action for acceleration of access to climate-resilient sanitation services Coalition for Resilient Sanitation

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