Ethiopia - SCARE Project
drawing water


The SCARE project in Ethiopia is conducted in collaboration with Haramaya University. The study was conducted after getting ethical clearance from the university’s Institutional Health Research Ethics Review Committee (HU-IHRERC).

Sanitation system’s resilience is assessed using quantitative and quality approaches. Quantitatively, 405 households from 15 Kebeles (11 urban abd 4 rural) of Harari region were randomly selected and interviewed. Qualitatively, key informant interviews, In-depth and FGDs were applied among regional and local leaders as well as from community representatives.

The Greenhouse Gases Emission measurement started after calibrating the equipment and flux chamber. The GHGs emission was measured using GA5000 from 10 holding tanks (locally called septic tank) and 20 pit latrines selected from Dire Dawa city and Harar town. The measurements were done three times in a year, taking the season in to account.

A field trip to Ethiopia to monitor emissions from pit latrines. The photos were taken while SCARE team members from the University of Bristol were visiting study sites in Harar and Dire Dawa. There are photos taken during a walkthrough the study area in Hara and assessing the groundwater table for its potential of being contaminated from the lateral movement of GHGs. The other photos with GA5000 and GA200 are while measuring the GHGs from pit latrine.

environment-of-the-holding-tank-flooded-by-over-flow-and-rainEthiopia SCARE project: Monitoring equipment

taking readings of Green House GasesEthiopia SCARE project: A truck dumping wastewater

Greehouse Gas measurements from a holding tankGreenhouse Gas measurement from a pit latrine

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